Wednesday 27 June 2007

I'm back baby....

more with a wimper than a bang but nevermind slowly slowly

back at craggy this afternoon with the kids from school, new set of problems courtesy of the man Croxall et al (big up to Mark for his 13th place in the world cup in Italy on the weekend). Good problems pretty powerful and longer than I really like but good for working.

Finger held up ok but the core was a tad lacking, still only way to get better is train, the stuff I've been doing down on Portland are pretty balancy straight ups or two move wonders so viva la difference.........

New Portland vid is made and should be up on the interweb within the next week or so...

here comes the summer holiday.... yay for me.....

Tuesday 19 June 2007

hi-de ho
not been blogging much cause not been climbing much, we'll shouldn't have been climbing much, got a jersey pull on my left ring finger... Boo.... :-( tried to go an climb sensibly within my limit indoors, no bouldering etc, ended up campusing with Justin's new 10k weight vest, looked like the bloody unibomber
anyways about a quarter of the way into a self enforced fortnight off, doing some weights and swimming but mostly just trying to get through to the end of term in one piece
might get round to putting together another portland movie next weekend.... watch this space
for now, peace out