Monday 28 May 2007

hey ho readers... if anyone other than me bothers with this.... nevermind eh acts as a diary type thing... so wales was shelved due to the reinstatement of usual bank holiday weather, the nice people at dol peris seemed very cool about us cancelling, seems they're not surprised that the weather screws up peoples plans....
so went to portland instead with Sian (obviously) and Eve (who is actually shorter than my dear wife!). Now really I should know better than to try anything tricky, read anything above about V3 after a full days work and a two and half plus hour drive but what can I say, I'm a very slow learner... so we went to the neddyfields and whilst screwing up indian summer (got it a couple of times, it's real powerful to start, like a harder version of strawberries at curbar) managed to put a bloody (literally) hole in the tip of my right index, and re-pulled my dodgy left tricep for good measure.... cue all of the toys being throw out of the pram, man I can act like a class prat at times... (hangs head in shame)... on the bright side did colossus pretty much static... yay
Saturday morning didn't start much better for me either, half a dozen tries before sending Nu-Breed then three or four more before repeating it... then africa, found the foot placements this time but just couldn't hold the slap, dodgy tendon and tricep conspiring, big sulk again... still Sian got her boulderfield project (Rocky and Diesel V2) 2nd go, and Eve got it third go so all good there... kinda calmed down after that and went pottering on some 3's and 4's and actually had real fun, worked some of the moves on lightning strike too, can do the moves to the lip and can do the arete from standing, just the hard bit to do then... think a hold might have come off by the lip, big fresh looking scar... must ask gav next time I see him.. speaking of loosing holds the side pull on relativity seems to be on it's last legs which'll be a real shame if it dies, great problem... tried to repeat secret handshake but was just too powerful on a dodgy left arm, shame class problem that one...
Slept most of the afternoon then back to the neddyfields... mostly balancy rather than pully type problems and stayed away from the sharp stuff... good decision making that, repeated fontanel (V7 and probably worthy of the grade too, sticking your thumb under pebble size underclings seems to be a theme on the balancy stuff at neddy's) and the groove for the camera and ran a few laps on ripples, I take it all back it is a class problem, just don't even bother if it's hot!!!!
Sunday the heavens opened and basically after driving home I lounged on the sofa all afternoon trying to shift the nagging cold some delightful little urchin at school gave me just in time for half term... charming....
so what for the week, just pottering, some DIY type stuff in the kitchen, maybe an IKEA trip tomorrow (dread), some training and a trip to craggy to play on croxall's new probelms... then see if portland is dry again by the end of the week.....
peace out

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