Sunday 20 May 2007

ok been a week or so.
lots going on at work, trip to north wales coming up, oh an pulled a tendon and a tricep on my weak left side so been kinda taking it easy on the bouldering front... Had a shed session last sunday which went pretty well once we got warmed up.... Sian's getting to grips with the more overhanging stuff but it's buggering her shoulders a bit so a little at a time to build up the muscle.... as for me-didn't do anything new just repeated a load of my favourite problems for about three hours which is enough...
been down craggy a bit, managed to do most of the current crop of problems, bit pissed that I did my left side in 'cause I'd have probably cleared up all the "hard problems" otherwise, oh well shit happens... did some leading on the comp' wall for a change, feels a long way so god knows what I'd be like if I went to the westway or the castle with their massive lead walls...
so this week is enforced rest, one gentle session on wednesday when I take the kids down from school, but that'll be it.... talking about school looks like I'm gonna be incharge of the climbing club from next year so hopefully I'll manage to inject a bit more umpf into it, and who knows where it'll go... a wall on school grounds??? a development squad???
So why the rest... as I said north wales next week... llanberis pass and all that, got a couple of recommendations.. croxall has sent me in the direction of the minimum on the barrel and everyone seems to rate the king of drunks.. will post a tick list before I go and we'll see how I do.... should get enough footage for another flick, gonna a hook up with alan and eve so you might see some other folks in the flick (hopefully sian if she'll let me get a camera on her again!)
gotta go, taking parents out for their birthday lunch, there's definitely been some sort shift in the balance of power, I mean.... I'm paying....

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