Friday 4 May 2007

so here goes, first blog entry....
I'll try and keep this mainly about the climbing and about the cats but I can't promise not to go on the odd rant like why the the dustmen didn't empty our bin today, just inside the front gate is on the f**king boundary of the property, but I digress...
off to craggy in a bit so hopefully Sian will inform me when to quit so there's some skin left for the bank holiday trip to Portland. There's some stuff that I'd like to repeat for the camera and a couple of things that are gonna need the cooler weather we've been promised, Pete's Rib for one. Probably gonna hook up with some mates so some beta sharing will aid the process. It's nice to work problems solo but sometimes it can be a bitch if you just don't see and obvious sequence - guess that come from climbing on plastic the majority of the time, it's kinda colour coded....
so anyway for those who haven't guessed this I post on UKB as Dr T cause I've got a doctorate and my initial is T, erm.....
(oh and if anyones interested in my ticklist search for Tyrrell on, I'm not on the rankings because it's kinda pointless IMHO)

Peace out

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