Tuesday 15 July 2008

So five minutes ago I was aching and sweating like a smack head going cold turkey - ok so that's a bit of an exaggeration but it was pretty hard work in the shed today; not that that's all I've been doing, in fact it was a pretty short session but it was intense - more of that later

As for this morning the main thing I did, other than a mountain of washing up, was start to repair the plaster work in the front upstairs room (a kinda spare bedroom/home gym). It's gonna take a while, not because there's a lot to do just because the hole is pretty deep and if you don't do it layer by layer it doesn't set properly yada yada yada...

So training - tried to save skin so it was system type stuff today - did the usual warm up stretches , pull ups and push ups then straight into what I now lovingly (and through gritted teeth cause it's torturous) call the Steve Mac campus - the feet on 100 hand moves deal I was talking about earlier. On wooden rungs with minimal twisting and no slapping so as skin friendly as you're likely to get. Can't really compare with last time as I hadn't done a hour's bouldering before but had a heavy boulder etc yesterday so... oh and yoga but more of that later... this time got 5 sets done with 5 minute rests between each one... very noticeable that pump set in sooner each time - the last set was a killer but instead of racing through I concentrated on getting the shake outs so it was in good style... After that I took 10 minutes or so off - went and checked on our retarded tadpoles - still tadpoles, fat ones but taddies none the less - I think our pond is a never never land for frogs. Watered the veggies too, the leeks are gonna be bomber but, whilst the chilli plants look sweet, I don't rate the chances of them fruiting much. Also managed to get bitten more frequently by horse flies than I used to get by drunk girls at parties back in the day.. and I wasn't allergic to the girls either - though they didn't get slapped and squashed.... So back to the training and with the power endurance done I thought a little power might be reasonably skin friendly so sets of 10 pulls with 10kg on the harness, 2 minutes in between - a quick bit of math tells me that's 13% of mu body weight extra - I guess I was giving more than 110%... So I was aiming at 5 reps but managed four in reasonably good style when my left shoulder started feeling it so I stopped to fight another day.

Tomorrow'll be doubles and triples at craggy then Thursday drive up to see the in-laws, might get a gym set in at the hotel, but more likely just a sauna and jacuzzi... Friday I'll be visiting the works-s kinda up for trying the green and spots circuit I think it is - nothing harder than Ft5+ but 7a+ route all the way round... sounds like the type of thing I should be trying
Probably going to see Wanted tonight - wanted to read the comic first but hey what the hell...


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